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Understanding Eid and Dhul-Hijjah: Significance, Sacrifice, and Unity in Islam
Discover the significance of Eid and Dhul-Hijjah in Islam, from Ramadan fasting to Eid al-Fitr and Prophet Abraham's sacrifice. Explore Dhul-Hijjah's
Understanding Eid and Dhul-Hijjah: Significance, Sacrifice, and Unity in Islam
Understanding Eid and Dhul-Hijjah: Significance, Sacrifice, and Unity in Islam
Blessings of the Almighty be upon you, oh my beloved brothers and sisters in humanity and in faith. Muslims generally have two major occasions of happiness and joy known as the days of Eid, which come after dedicated worship and a huge sacrifice, having done something major for the ummah.
Dhul-Hijjah: Last Month
In the last month, Zilhijja, we offer more prayers from the beginning till its 9th and 10th day. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that God favors worship during Dhul-Hijjah's first 10 days. Dhul-Hijjah includes fasting and honoring Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail or Isaac. Abraham's closeness to God led him to build the Kaaba in Mecca.
Abraham's Sacrifice and Divine Guidance
Abraham's dream to sacrifice his son shows us to put God first. Being too attached to family, spouse, or things is not good for us. We must not harm anyone; divine commands have a purpose, sometimes fulfilled differently. For example, if you become too attached to material things like your car or phone, you may become so angry if they are damaged that you lose control. The Almighty should come before everything else. Your fate is chosen by the Almighty. Yes, you have a part to play and are given choices, but the only thing you will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is how you used the choices you were given.
The Test of Abraham: Ultimate Submission
So, Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his son. Speaking about the Muslim narrative, his son accepted this and said, "Do as you are commanded." Abraham took his son and was about to fulfill the command when the Almighty replaced his son with a ram from heaven. This depicted the ultimate submission to the Almighty. Everything belongs to the Almighty. While we are naturally attached, there is a level beyond which it becomes toxic. The Almighty is the owner; He gave it to you and will take it at some point. The sacrifice of the ram was loved by the Almighty so much that He asked us to reenact it for the lesson rather than anything else. The blood is not going to reach the Almighty, but consciousness and piety will.
During Dhul-Hijjah, these days are significant
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said there are no days when God likes good deeds more than the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. During Ramadan, the nights are most sacred indeed, so loved by Allah. During the day, you fast, and at night, you spend in the worship of the Almighty. Muslims pray five times a day; at night, one of the prayers is just after sunset and another before sunrise. These prayers don't last more than a few minutes but remind you to give attention to the Almighty. Remember that you came from there and will go back there. The one who created you will show mercy.
Eid ul-Adha: Honoring Sacrifice
Muslims honor Prophet Abraham's life and sacrifice, as others do. For nine days and on the 10th day, we observe Eid ul-Adha, a three-day festival. It's a time to assist the needy, share food, and celebrate together. The Almighty advises dividing the sacrifice into three parts: one for family, one for friends, and one for the needy. Islamic teaching emphasizes that charity is not just voluntary; there is a minimum amount that you must give, known as Zakat. Muslims give this type of charity because it is an obligation.
Unity in Diversity: All Descend from Adam and Eve
We are from various religions, races, and countries, yet we're all family because we originate from Adam and Eve. Despite our differing beliefs, we're still family in humanity. We should discuss our faith respectfully, without attacking or abusing others. Just present your opinion and listen to others. This is missing in today's world and should be promoted more.
Conclusion: Reflecting on Eid ul-Adha
Eid ul-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, is a time for thinking, committing, praying, helping others, and connecting. Thank you for the chance. I pray it benefits you. Beautiful, beautiful. Ameen. Peace be upon you.
Understanding Eid and Dhul-Hijjah: Significance, Sacrifice, and Unity in Islam
Blessings of the Almighty be upon you, oh my beloved brothers and sisters in humanity and in faith. Muslims generally have two major occasions of happiness and joy known as the days of Eid, which come after dedicated worship and a huge sacrifice, having done something major for the ummah.
Dhul-Hijjah: Last Month
In the last month, Zilhijja, we offer more prayers from the beginning till its 9th and 10th day. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that God favors worship during Dhul-Hijjah's first 10 days. Dhul-Hijjah includes fasting and honoring Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail or Isaac. Abraham's closeness to God led him to build the Kaaba in Mecca.
Abraham's Sacrifice and Divine Guidance
Abraham's dream to sacrifice his son shows us to put God first. Being too attached to family, spouse, or things is not good for us. We must not harm anyone; divine commands have a purpose, sometimes fulfilled differently. For example, if you become too attached to material things like your car or phone, you may become so angry if they are damaged that you lose control. The Almighty should come before everything else. Your fate is chosen by the Almighty. Yes, you have a part to play and are given choices, but the only thing you will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is how you used the choices you were given.
The Test of Abraham: Ultimate Submission
So, Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his son. Speaking about the Muslim narrative, his son accepted this and said, "Do as you are commanded." Abraham took his son and was about to fulfill the command when the Almighty replaced his son with a ram from heaven. This depicted the ultimate submission to the Almighty. Everything belongs to the Almighty. While we are naturally attached, there is a level beyond which it becomes toxic. The Almighty is the owner; He gave it to you and will take it at some point. The sacrifice of the ram was loved by the Almighty so much that He asked us to reenact it for the lesson rather than anything else. The blood is not going to reach the Almighty, but consciousness and piety will.
During Dhul-Hijjah, these days are significant
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said there are no days when God likes good deeds more than the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. During Ramadan, the nights are most sacred indeed, so loved by Allah. During the day, you fast, and at night, you spend in the worship of the Almighty. Muslims pray five times a day; at night, one of the prayers is just after sunset and another before sunrise. These prayers don't last more than a few minutes but remind you to give attention to the Almighty. Remember that you came from there and will go back there. The one who created you will show mercy.
Eid ul-Adha: Honoring Sacrifice
Muslims honor Prophet Abraham's life and sacrifice, as others do. For nine days and on the 10th day, we observe Eid ul-Adha, a three-day festival. It's a time to assist the needy, share food, and celebrate together. The Almighty advises dividing the sacrifice into three parts: one for family, one for friends, and one for the needy. Islamic teaching emphasizes that charity is not just voluntary; there is a minimum amount that you must give, known as Zakat. Muslims give this type of charity because it is an obligation.
Unity in Diversity: All Descend from Adam and Eve
We are from various religions, races, and countries, yet we're all family because we originate from Adam and Eve. Despite our differing beliefs, we're still family in humanity. We should discuss our faith respectfully, without attacking or abusing others. Just present your opinion and listen to others. This is missing in today's world and should be promoted more.
Conclusion: Reflecting on Eid ul-Adha
Eid ul-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, is a time for thinking, committing, praying, helping others, and connecting. Thank you for the chance. I pray it benefits you. Beautiful, beautiful. Ameen. Peace be upon you.
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